" To do a metadata cleanup for server "server name ". I hope that you were delighted with the service provided to you.

I am providing you with a summary of the key points of the case for your records. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

PROBLEM: The DC “Server Name” was removed through GUI, however the stale entries of that DC were still present in the environment and some of the client machines were pointing to that Dc.

RESOLUTION: We executed the below commands first to check the environment details:


  • Hostname
  • Netdom query dc
  • Net share
  • Net accounts
  • Repadmin /replsum
  • Repadmin /showreps

In the output of Netdom query Dc, we were able to see that Servername is still reflecting in the environment.

In the output of repadmin /replsum, we were getting RPC error 1722 because of the Server Name server

Since the Server Name server was demoted through GUI, we suspected that there were still stale entries of DNS records, connection objects of the deleted DC are present in the environment.

So we performed metadata cleanup for Server Name

We executed the below commands :


Metadata cleanup


Connect to server localhost


Select operation target

List sites

Select site (number)

List domain

Select domain (number)

list server in site

select server (number)


Remove selected server

Post successful metadata cleanup of Server Name, we executed the below commands to check if the server is still reflecting or if we are still getting RPC 1722 error:


  • Netdom query dc
  • Netdom query dc

Once we get the output of these commands, we were able to see that the selected server Server Name has been completely removed from the environment and the RPC error 1722 has been resolved too.